
Wear to Work Updos

Good morning, y'all!
Before I start blogging today I'd like to take a moment to remember all the mean and women who died 13 years ago today in the terrorist attack against America.

Today I do not have a lot of time to post, but I put together a collage of updos that are appropriate for the work place! I work in a restaurant, so these are just PERFECT. Do not be fooled though. These styles can work in other places of work, too. You can even rock these styles casually!

What are some of your favorite hair styles for work?


  1. The bun with the braid is great!! Can you post how to do that??

  2. I love the braided bun!! Too bad I am the worst at doing my hair, hahah!

  3. I love that middle bun! So perfect!

  4. These are all so cute! The middle is my favorite.
